HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand

2021-23 Strategic Plan

Next plan released

Check out what’s next in the 2024-26 Strategic Plan.

Developing digital expertise to advance higher education.

At HighEdWeb, our mission is to educate digital professionals who work at higher education institutions. We provide educational materials and opportunities that develop knowledge, skills and abilities. As a result, we advance higher education.

Our core values


  • We are ethical in our decision-making.
  • We strive for transparency in our actions.


  • We embrace open access to knowledge and resources.
  • We value and respect the contributions and feedback of our members.
  • We seek diversity and promote inclusion.


  • We encourage collaboration above competitiveness.
  • We foster a culture of service within the organization.

Strategic goals

In everything that we do, HighEdWeb considers diversity, equity and inclusion as well as financial responsibility. With that in mind, these are the goals we plan to prioritize over the next couple years.

Goal one:
Increase membership and access to member resources.

Increase institutional members to 100 members by October 2023.

  • Establish year-round messaging for institutional member benefits.
  • Create promotional materials for institutions to promote their membership to faculty, staff and students.
  • Streamline process for renewing institutional members and encourage early renewals through perks and personalized messaging.
  • Offer member discounts to Association events and services.
  • Enhance member support with a support system that offers support tickets, knowledge base and chat.
  • Increase access to institutional memberships for colleges and universities representing diverse populations.

Increase professional-premium members by 25% by October 2023.

  • Goal achieved in 2022!
  • Establish a process for marketing outreach to general members and former conference/event attendees.
    • Create a member benefits/welcome 30-minute webinar.
    • Publish a member benefits summary for supervisors.
  • Establish year-round messaging for premium member benefits.
  • Advertise membership in at least two places (such as with related professional organizations or in relevant publications).
  • Implement a membership referral program or membership drive.
  • Streamline process for renewing premium members and encourage early renewals through perks and personalized messaging.
  • Offer member discounts to Association events and services.
  • Enhance member support with a support system that offers tickets, knowledge base and chat.

Goal two:
Ensure that our community is aware of HighEdWeb and what it has to offer.

Evaluate the HighEdWeb brand by December 2022.

  • Goal achieved in 2023!
  • Identify a vendor to conduct a brand evaluation/audit.
  • Conduct a brand inventory/audit using existing data and new/gathered data.
  • Evaluate brand strengths and challenges (if any).
  • Put forward recommendations for addressing branding challenges. (Be clear about what problem needs to be solved.)

Establish HighEdWeb branding by August 2023.

  • Establish budget for branding work.
  • Based on branding recommendations, create a branding scope of work, timeline, and necessary deliverables.
  • Identify vendor/volunteer to lead/conduct branding work.
  • Identify and develop branding elements.
  • Further tasks dependent on results of branding audit.
  • Develop timeline for rebrand launch.

Launch the refreshed or revised HighEdWeb brand by November 2023.

  • Develop launch strategy and timeline.
  • Identify volunteer and external needs to support the launch.
  • Launch brand deliverables.

Goal three:
Provide meaningful opportunities for members and partners to engage with the Association.

Host at least 10 training events per year that generate at least 25% net profit by December 2023.

  • Define types of events and modes of delivery (duration, content, registration needs, cost model, organizing group, occurrence of event) by Q1 2021.
  • Start hosting online workshops in spring 2023 and increase to at least three online workshops annually by December 2023.
  • Re-establish the Academies (microcourses) in an online format beginning Q1 2023. Continue to offer each Academy at least annually by Q4 2023.

Increase member satisfaction with HighEdWeb programs, products and services by at least 10% annually starting in 2021.

  • Eliminate barriers and promote diverse participation and perspectives in all programs, products and services.
  • Offer meaningful volunteer opportunities that help our members advance their institutions.
  • Upgrade the Professional Development Library to offer directory, search, learner profile, microcredentials and new formats (like knowledge base and topic guides).
  • Implement a marketing campaign to share events and services throughout the year with members.
  • Increase Slack participation to an average of 150 daily active members by 2023.

Increase total sponsorship revenue by 25% annually