2024 Call for Proposals

HighEdWeb is a community of professionals who share generously and learn openly from one another’s experiences. Whether you’re a first-time presenter or a returning champion, we invite you to submit a proposal.

Submit a proposal

We’ll accept proposals through Thursday, Feb. 29, for these events:

Why present?

There are so many great reasons to present:

  • Represent your institution and share your accomplishments.
  • Contribute to the professional body of knowledge.
  • Connect with your web and digital professional community.
  • Spice up your LinkedIn profile (and get kudos from your boss).
  • Receive a waiver on your conference registration.

Tips for presenters

How to have a session considered for multiple events

In 2024, all HighEdWeb events will use the same proposal system but will have separate calls for proposals. On the call for proposals page for each event, you’ll have the option to select sessions from your speaker profile that have not yet been submitted to that event.

HighEdWeb offers a diverse set of sessions across our events. It is unlikely the same session will be selected for multiple events.


If your proposed session will have multiple presenters, be sure they have accepted their invitation to co-present before you submit your proposal to additional events.

Using inclusive language

All presenters must abide by the HighEdWeb Code of Conduct.

HighEdWeb promotes inclusion and kindly asks that you be mindful of the words you use during your presentation. Please work to avoid language that is harmful to people with disabilities, language of a sexual nature, language that leverages racism or gendered language.