Current partners
Guidelines for partnerships
HighEdWeb will consider all requests for partnership, promotion or other involvement from other organizations provided they fulfill the following requirements:
- Sponsoring organization must be a non-profit in or directly related to the higher education sector.
- Sponsoring organization and event must be governed by a robust Code of Conduct, which will be provided to the HighEdWeb Board of Directors.
- Event must not be held within three months of a HighEdWeb annual conference, or within six months of an upcoming HighEdWeb annual conference in a location within 60 miles of the event.
- A member of the HighEdWeb Board of Directors is willing to serve as liaison with the event and organization.
- Organization promises reciprocal promotion for HighEdWeb events, including but not limited to distributing HighEdWeb marketing materials and sending HighEdWeb promotional emails to event attendees. If possible, this should include a table in the sponsor area for promotion.
- Organization should provide at least one free registration to the event for a representative of HighEdWeb.
After the event, the sponsoring organization will share a list of attendees with HighEdWeb — to be added to the membership distribution list but not as premium members.
If you’re interested in becoming a partner, please email with a proposal.