HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand

2024-26 Strategic Plan

Developing digital expertise to advance higher education.

At HighEdWeb, our mission is to educate digital professionals who work at higher education institutions. We provide educational materials and opportunities that develop knowledge, skills and abilities. As a result, we advance higher education.

Our core values


  • We are ethical in our decision-making.
  • We strive for transparency in our actions.


  • We embrace open access to knowledge and resources.
  • We value and respect the contributions and feedback of our members.
  • We seek diversity and promote inclusion.


  • We encourage collaboration above competitiveness.
  • We foster a culture of service within the organization.


These are the areas of focus for the strategic plan. Each year, the board will review an action plan to guide implementation.

Grow and support the higher ed digital community

  • Evolve the HighEdWeb brand to better attract and engage the higher ed digital community.
  • Strategically advance our diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) position to reflect and support our community.

Advance higher education

  • Elevate services and programming that support our largest membership class: institutional members, which includes the employees and students connected to those memberships.
  • Revitalize regional, in-person/hybrid learning opportunities.

Increase organizational resiliency

  • Forge new partnerships, while strengthening existing ones, to improve services, products and opportunities for members.
  • Evolve volunteer program to better serve both the volunteers and the Association.
  • Overcome or mitigate financial, compliance and operational risks.

Annual action plan

Toward the end of the year, the association selects the projects for the following year. Here’s what we have on the docket:

2024 action plan

  • 🚧 Establish HighEdWeb brand identity, positioning, messaging and guidelines.
  • 🚧 Begin launching the refreshed or revised HighEdWeb brand.
  • ✅ Formalize diversity recruitment processes as part of the call for proposals.
  • ✅ Hold two regional conferences in alignment with the Educational Events Model.
  • ✅ Develop and launch a Corporate Partner Program providing for multi-levels of partnership and secure four partners.
  • 🚧 Implement single sign-on across community-facing systems.
  • 🚧 Complete a risk assessment to identify the top three organizational risks.
  • Select the risk to focus on during 2025 action plan.
Program subcommittee for the 2023 Annual Conference

Get involved

While the board sets the strategy, the volunteers and staff implement the action plan. Your time and talents will help ensure success. We welcome you to join the team!